Speech Therapy & Audiology
Welcome to Raipur’s leading speech therapy centre for kids, where we believe in empowering children to find their voice. Communication is a fundamental human need, and when we cannot express ourselves clearly, it can hinder our personal, social, and professional lives.
Speech therapy in Raipur plays a crucial role in helping individual children of Chhattisgarh to overcome speech and language disorders, enabling them to communicate effectively and confidently. Our experienced speech-language pathologists provide personalised speech therapy services, including assessments, treatment plans, caregiver/ parental/ mother training and interventions, to address individual speech and language difficulties. We employ a client-centred approach for each child, placing the individual at the centre of their treatment journey to foster a supportive and empowering environment. Whether you or your loved one is experiencing difficulties with speech articulation, fluency, voice, or language, our team is here to help. We are committed to empowering individuals of all ages to unlock their communication potential and live their lives to the fullest. To avail of Balgopal Children Speech Therapy, contact us today to learn more about our speech therapy in Raipur and take the first step towards reclaiming your voice.
Speech therapy plays a crucial role in helping individuals overcome communication problems and speech disorders. Under the guidance of Dr.Ankita Sharma, highly skilled speech-language pathologist (SLPs), various techniques such as articulation therapy and language intervention activities are utilised to address the specific disorder. This therapy is essential for people of all ages experiencing speech impairments due to injury, illness, or developmental issues.
Why do you need speech therapy?
Speech therapy can treat several speech and language disorders.
- Articulation disorders.A person is said to have an articulation disorder when they struggle with producing specific speech sounds. The difficulty may result in omissions, substitutions, distortions, or additions of sounds. A classic example of distortion is when one says “thith” instead of “this.”
- Fluency disorders.Fluency disorders affect speech flow, speed, and rhythm. Stuttering and cluttering are types of fluency disorders. Stutterers repeat or block sounds, while clutterers speak rapidly and merge words.
- Resonance disorders.An obstruction of regular airflow in the nasal or oral cavities alters the vibrations responsible for voice quality, causing a resonance disorder. A velopharyngeal valve that fails to close correctly can also cause this condition. Many neurological disorders, swollen tonsils, and cleft palates are associated with resonance disorders.
- Receptive disorders.A person with receptive language disorder may struggle to comprehend spoken language, follow directions, and have a limited vocabulary. This condition can be caused by autism, hearing loss, or a head injury.
- Expressive disorders.Having trouble conveying or expressing information is an indicator of expressive language disorder. The incorrect use of verb tense may indicate you have an expressive disorder. Affected people may have Down syndrome or hearing impairments, as well as developmental impairments. It can also result from head trauma or a medical condition.
- Cognitive-communication disorders.A brain injury affecting the part responsible for thinking can cause cognitive communication disorder, leading to memory issues, difficulty speaking or listening, and problems with problem-solving. Biological problems, such as abnormal brain development, certain neurological conditions, a brain injury, or stroke, can cause the disorder.
- Aphasia is a language disorder caused by brain damage that affects speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. Stroke is the most frequent cause, but other brain conditions can also cause it.
- Muscle weakness or lack of control over speech muscles causes difficulty speaking in this condition. Nervous system disorders, paralysis, and weakness in the face, throat, and tongue, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and stroke, are common causes.
What happens during Speech Therapy in Raipur Balgopal Children Hospital?
Speech therapy in Raipur at Balgopal Children’s Hospital typically starts with a speech & language evaluation to determine the type of communication disorder and the most effective treatment approach.
Speech therapy for children
For your child, speech therapy may occur in a classroom, small group, or one-on-one, depending on the speech disorder. Speech therapy exercises and activities vary depending on your child’s condition, age, and needs. During speech therapy in Raipur at Balgopal Children Hospital, the SLP may:
- Encourage language development using tools like talking, games, books, pictures, and objects.
- Model correct sounds and syllables during appropriate play to teach children how to make certain sounds.
- Provide speech therapy strategies and homework for children along with mother training.
What is the typical duration for speech therapy?
The duration of speech therapy varies depending on several factors, such as:
- Age
- Type and severity
- Frequency of speech therapy
- A medical condition that is not immediately apparent.
- Managing an underlying medical condition
Speech disorders may begin in childhood; some improve with age, while others require long-term therapy and maintenance in adulthood.
A communication disorder resulting from a stroke or other medical condition may improve with treatment as the underlying condition improves.
How successful is speech therapy in Raipur at BalGopal Children’s Hospital?
For optimal results in speech therapy in Raipur at BalGopal Children’s Hospital, it’s crucial to consider the specific disorder being treated, the age range, and the timing of therapy initiation. Research has shown that the most favourable outcomes are achieved through early intervention and active involvement of parents or caregivers in practising at home with their young children.
The bottom line
Speech Therapy in Raipur at BalGopal Children Hospital can treat various speech and language delays and disorders in children and adults. Speech therapy in Raipur at BalGopal Children Hospital can improve communication skills and increase self-confidence with early intervention.
Clinic provides identification and intervention of Hearing and communication disorders/ disability. Various services offered at this clinic include all type of Hearing, speech and language screening and detail diagnostic assessment and intervention for newborn babies to the adults (18 Years).
Audiology/ Hearing Clinic
The Hearing clinic provides hearing assessment, intervention, and rehabilitation. Services offered at the Hearing clinic include :
- Neonatal Hearing Screening/ Oto-acoustic Emission (OAE) testing.
- Behavioral Observation Audiometry Test (BOA)
- Play and Visual Reinforcement Audiometry Test
- Pure tone Audiometry Test
- Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) testing. (By out reach service center)
- Screening programs are incomplete without the confirmed diagnosis. All the individuals who were identified as at-risk for Hearing and communication disorders through screening tests are referred for detailed diagnostic evaluation.
- For early intervention and rehabilitation appropriate management strategies are also recommended.
- Pescription for appropriate hearing aids and assistive listening devices are provided.
- For HAT (Hearing aid trials) Conventional, programmable and digital hearing aids are available.
- By out reach service center we provide facilities for making different types of custom ear moulds and there modifications.
- Training / counseling regarding use of hearing aid and maintenance along with care of hearing.
- Guidelines for auditory training, Motherese, speech and language stimulation, speech reading and communication strategies.
- Conduct State levels Camps on identification of Hearing/ Communication disorders and programs for early identification and early intervention also.
Speech and Language Clinic
The Speech and Language clinic offers all kinds of diagnostic and therapeutic services, to varieties of speech, hearing and language disorders for newborn-18 years. The clinic’s goal is to improve communication skills through diagnostic evaluation and appropriate rehabilitative intervention.
The diagnostic and rehabilitation services offered at the Speech and Language clinic includes :
- Comprehensive assessment procedures for all types of communication disorders, for different age and language groups.
- Language therapy -Hearing impairment, specific language impairment, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, Acquired Childhood aphasia (ACA) etc.
- Voice therapy – All types of voice disorders.
- Fluency therapy- Stuttering, cluttering etc.
- Articulation therapy- Misarticulation, cleft lip and palate, dysarthria etc.
- Alternate and Augmentative Communication (AAC) guidance and training for persons who use minimal/ limited verbal modality.
- Auditory training
- Behavior modification.
- Counseling and guidance.
- Guidance for parents and teachers, for family, educational and vocational management.
- Other Special Clinics/Units a. Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) unit for Cochlear implant children. b. Unit for Persons with Language Disorders. c. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Unit. d. Parental Training including special education and workshops. e. Group Therapy and Activity based sessions. f. Learning Disability and Slow Learner Clinic. g. Special Clinic for Motor Speech Disorder. h. Unit for Structural Orofacial Anomalies.
- Physiotherapy.
- Occupational therapy and Sensory integration Therapy.
- Consultancy services by professionals - Pediatrician, ENT, Rehabilitation psychology, Nutritionist, Neurologist, Phonosurgeon, Plastic surgeon, Prosthodontist etc.
- Occupational therapy and Sensory integration Therapy.